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Douglas Health

Quality care without the cost. Just for us.

Douglas offers innovative, personal health care benefits for our employee owners and their families through our very own health clinic. Douglas Health offers no-cost quality care with peace of mind to Douglas insurance plan participants and their families. We schedule longer visit times to give our experience primary care providers the time and opportunity to create genuine relationships with you while providing diagnosis, treatment, prevention and education.

Beyond treating any current conditions, the trusted health professionals will work closely with you to support your overall health and wellness and that of your entire family. Because your health matters, to you and to us.


Wellness and health maintenance

including annual physicals, pap smears, breast exams, age-appropriate screening tests, sports physicals, immunizations and much more

Chronic care

for conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, allergies, thyroid issues, arthritis, depression and anxiety, acid reflux, exzema and other skin conditions

Lab testing

including onsite testing for strep and influenza, urinalysis, cholesterol profile, hemoglobin A1C and pregnancy. A variety of other tests are done onsite but sent to external labs and billed through your insurance

Simple acute care

for many type of infections, rashes, abdominal pain, stomach flu, minor injuries, headaches and orthopedic conditions such as sprains/strains

Minor procedures

such as mole/wart/skin tag removal, skin biopsies and incisions or drainage

Prescription medications

A large number of prescription medications are available onsite at no cost

Referrals to specialists


119 30th Ave West, Suite 119
Alexandria, MN 56308


Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed daily for lunch: 12:30 – 1:30 pm

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